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Flex Systems
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FlexStream is a document processing solution`that enables you to add scancodes to your documents to be used by your inserter and manipulate and enhance the contents of your mailing. With FlexStream you can:
The FlexVision system is developed for deployment in the document production and processing environment like addressing and inserting. The system is designed to increase productivity and integrity with an easy to use and affordable solution. FlexVision is developed with the following applications in mind: A Complete Solution for Code Creation, Reading and Processing
FlexStream’s powerful document output processing features that allow you to dynamically select the delivery method of each document, together with the highly secure email and tracking service give you an unsurpassed solution for emailing your documents.
All Secure and Tracked Email Features Needed
FlexMail is a variable data design and printing solution that lets you connect to your data, prepare the data for your project, design your output, and print at high quality and speed on any printer.
The FlexCapture system is developed for inbound mail processing and inspecting samples of printed barcodes. The system is available with or without an integrated letter opener and is designed to increase productivity with an easy to use, affordable system. FlexCapture is developed with the following applications in mind: A System for Inbound Mail Processing and Barcode Inspection
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Automated Mailroom, LLC
4710 Eisenhower Blvd., Suite A10, Tampa, FL 33634-6308
p (813) 870-6805 f (813) 870-6808 tf (877) 870-6805
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