Flex Mail
Presort Software
Presort Software

Flex Systems

HIPPA Compliant Mail
Presort Software
flex vision

​Is Your Mail

HIPAA Compliant?

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8SW4 2G0G X3D3 8E

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FlexStream Document Processing Software

FlexStream is a document processing solution`that enables you to add scancodes to your documents to be used by your inserter and manipulate and enhance the contents of your mailing. With FlexStream you can:

  • Increase the integrity of your mailings by adding scancodes that can be used by inserters.
  • Reduce postage costs by combining documents intended for the same recipient into a single mail piece.
  • Turn your document into a marketing tool by adding conditional text, graphics and barcodes and by utilizing selective feeding. Eliminate the costs of preprinted forms by adding overlays and digital inserts to your documents.
  • Convert traditional simplex printed documents to duplex to reduce paper costs and provide additional postage savings.
  • Save costs by e-mailing all or a selection of your documents.

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FlexVision Camera and Mail Tracking System

The FlexVision system is developed for deployment in the document production and processing environment like addressing and inserting. The system is designed to increase productivity and integrity with an easy to use and affordable solution. FlexVision is developed with the following applications in mind: A Complete Solution for Code Creation, Reading and Processing

  • Read-and-print. Read a barcode, look up the address or any additional data in a database and print the information. Fast random searches are supported.
  • Closed-loop processing. Monitor mail piece printing or inserting and enable easy reconciliation of faulty or missing mail pieces by checking off or time stamp records in a database when they pass the reader to ensure 100% mailings and/or reprints.
  • Matching. Match documents that are collated from different stations on inserters (including swingarm-inserters) or other production lines and make sure the items match.
  • In-line barcode grading. In-line barcode grading according to several ISO/IEC standards to ensure that printed barcodes meet the (postal) specifications. Includes verification of postal 4-state barcodes (e.g. IMB, Royal Mail 4-state etc.)
  • Image capture. Capture and index images of documents or envelopes for archiving and as proof that the item was handled correctly.

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FlexStream - Secure and Tracked Email Processing Tool

FlexStream’s powerful document output processing features that allow you to dynamically select the delivery method of each document, together with the highly secure email and tracking service give you an unsurpassed solution for emailing your documents.

All Secure and Tracked Email Features Needed

  • Select delivery method based on data contained in the document or based on a lookup in a linked database.
  • Manually select documents for email.
  • Design your own email body text with variable elements to personalize the email, subject and file name of the attached document.
  • Military grade levels of encryption during transit of the document.
  • Securely transfer documents of up to 6 Mb. No bouncing of emails due to user or server settings.
  • The FlexStream datasheet shows delivery status, including date and time of sending delivery, and opening by the recipient of the attached document.
  • Select a follow-up action based on the email status of a certain document for a recipient, e.g. reissue a mail or send the document by post if the document was not opened.
  • Export an audit report of all emailed documents.

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FlexMail Variable Data Printing Software

FlexMail is a variable data design and printing solution that lets you connect to your data, prepare the data for your project, design your output, and print at high quality and speed on any printer.

  • Reads any database (including output of Postal software). FlexMail evens opens PDF-files. Counters, dates contents of indicia (IMB) etc. can be generated. FlexMail offers fools for de-duplication, export and data conversion.
  • Makes printing of variable texts, barcodes (1D, 2D Postal), indicia, and graphics very easy. Tools availabe for making designs that can be printed best (e.g. no crossing of cartrides) and that are acceptable to the post (postal templates).
  • FlexMail is optimized for speed. Automatic use of all build-in features of the printer. Gives full control over the printer. Has built-in features to keep the print heads clean. Gets the most out of the printer!
  • Special support for all addressing printers - from desktop to mail table- , but can also be used on any Windows printer. Drivers for all addressing printers included.

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Flex Capture & Inbound Mail Processing

The FlexCapture system is developed for inbound mail processing and inspecting samples of printed barcodes. The system is available with or without an integrated letter opener and is designed to increase productivity with an easy to use, affordable system. FlexCapture is developed with the following applications in mind: A System for Inbound Mail Processing and Barcode Inspection

  • Processing undeliverable mail. Process returned mail pieces that could not be delivered. Mark them in an existing database or build a new database for further processing.
  • Processing of reply mail. Use the system to register replies into a database and (optionally) open the returned mail. If required, capture an image of the mail piece to avoid warehousing.
  • Barcode verification. Inspect barcodes for readability and ensure that printed barcodes meet the (postal) specifications. Includes IMB (Merlin) verification on all parameters.

Flex Capture & Inbound Mail Processing /Barcode Inspection

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